Public Policy (POLA 3240) [Tulane University]
This course surveys various academic theories of public policy change and stasis before moving to real-world applications to actual public policies. The course proceeds through 4 major units. In the first, we are introduced to public policy and the policy process. In the second, we survey leading academic theories of policy change. In the third, we dive deeply into the role of information, and information processing, in policymaking. Finally, in the fourth, we apply everything we've learned to the analysis of real-world case studies of public policymaking.
The syllabus for this course can be viewed here.
State and Local Politics (POLA 3110) [Tulane University]
This course offers a critical examination of state and local governments, their politics, and their policymaking and policy outputs. The course proceeds in five thematic units, with guest speakers interspersed throughout the term. In Unit 1, we discuss why studying state and local politics is worthwhile. In Units 2 and 3, we discuss the constitutional basis for state and local politics and policy, and provide some useful background on these subnational levels of government. In Unit 4, we examine a few case studies of state-level policy. Finally, in Unit 5, we take a critical look at the health of subnational democracy.
The syllabus for this course can be viewed here.
Student evaluation data for this course can be viewed here (Fall 2024) and here (Fall 2023).
How Do You Solve A Problem Like Climate Change (With Policy)? (EVST 4410) [Tulane University]
This course examines policy instruments to combat climate change, considering various options for policy design, their impacts on various constituencies, and the associated politics that may help or impede their chances of adoption and/or their effectiveness once adopted. We evaluate actual, real-world policies that have been adopted, and we also consider the merits of proposals that have been widely discussed but never actually adopted.
The syllabus for this course can be viewed here.
Student evaluation data for this course can be viewed here (Fall 2024) and here (Fall 2023).
Environmental Politics and Policy (PUBPOL 312/POLISCI 380) [University of Michigan]
This course is an advanced offering on environmental politics and policymaking, with a focus on the U.S. context. The course will focus most heavily in the area of climate and energy policy, though other topics will also be explored. It will cover the federal, state, and local levels of government with an emphasis on trade-offs in policy design and their associated politics.
The syllabus for this course can be viewed here.
Student evaluation data for this course can be viewed here.

Activism and Lawmaking in the U.S. (SOC 392/LEGAL ST 376) [Northwestern University]
This seminar explored the numerous challenges that social movement organizations (and public interest groups more generally) face when they attempt to influence public policy in the United States, and encouraged students to think strategically about how these challenges might be overcome. We grappled with the question of why the U.S. federal government has taken so little action on issues such as climate change and gun violence, despite the vast majority of Americans supporting policy action, and despite massive social movements mobilizing in an effort to bring it about. We also examined when, how, and why social movement-backed policy that is adopted gets "watered down" during the policymaking process, and strategies activists can employ to minimize the likelihood of this happening. The course combined sociological perspectives on social movement mobilization and outcomes with political science perspectives on American political institutions to interrogate the bases of political power in the U.S. policymaking process. For the final assignment, students developed a Strategic Plan for how a social movement organization might go about effecting policy change on an issue of their choosing. We also had four guest speakers, including Daniel Biss, a former IL state senator and gubernatorial candidate (pictured here, talking with the students).
The syllabus for this course can be viewed here.
Student evaluation data for this course can be viewed here.
In Fall 2019, I was honored to receive the Robert F. Winch Memorial Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Lecturer.